IT has a population of 20,000 and is the only parish within Southend to have its own town council ... and now Leigh is looking at having its own mayor.

Leigh town councillors have discussed plans to remove the title of their chairman and replace it with town mayor.

Some council members feel the organisation has grown since it was first formed and have called for an official dignitary to officiate at local events and to represent the council in other areas.

Another proposal was to have a council leader in addition to a mayor.

Speaking at the latest finance committee meeting, Town Clerk Paul Beckerson said the council had grown bigger and different factions had grown within it.

He said: “When the town council was formed in 1996 it was decided not to have a mayor but there is no reason in law why a town council can’t have a town mayor. It can give a bit of gravitas to the council and there would be no additional cost.

“The role of the mayor would be to be above the fray and there to be a calming influence. The idea is to have a civic head who can go out and represent the council at events in. The leader would manage things when we do have different views.”

The suggestion was welcomed by some councillors.

Committee member Caroline Parker (Elm) said she felt like a “peasant” when among other mayors in their ceremonial attire.

Carole Mulroney (St Clements) current chairman of the council added: “when you go to things and you are with a group of other representatives who are mayors you do feel like a second class citizen, someone not quite up in that league.”

Voting on a resolution to change the post of chairman to mayor councillors voted to reject the proposal by six votes to two. On a resolution to have a mayor and a leader, the committee was split equally and committee chairman, Donald Fraser (Herschell) used his casting vote to reject the proposal.

He said: “When the council was formed it was completely unanimous that we wouldn’t have a mayor. In all of south Essex there are only two councils big enough to have a mayor. It was unanimous that we would be a laughing stock.”

The matter will now be discussed at the next full council meeting where it could be approved.