A JAM-PACKED event designed to help people have fun and feel good attracted more than 1,000 people.

The Feel Good Festival took place in Garon Park where 70 stallholders promoted their health conscious offerings including Forward Motion and Jae Ceramics and Abby’s Art Atelier.

There was also the “feel good’ zones delivered by Everyone Health which encouraged healthy eating and socialising to boost wellbeing.

Echo: Event - The team with Krishna Ramkhelawon and Mr Robinson Event - The team with Krishna Ramkhelawon and Mr Robinson

From smoothie bikes, where people could challenge themselves to make a smoothie while peddling a bike, to archery and zorbing, the free event was a funpacked day.

There was food tasting sessions, arts and crafts, yoga classes and more.

Everyone Health, who hosted the Feel Good Festival, is the healthy lifestyle provider commissioned by Southend Council.

There was entertainment on the day from Hands4Voices Choir, WD Studio’s Dance School, Essex Heels, Kangoo Jumps, Strollercise, RJ CAMP Martial arts and comedian Sherry Fuller.

Echo: No time for a break - a visitor tries out the smoothie bikeNo time for a break - a visitor tries out the smoothie bike

Amy Young, everyone health service manager and professional lead for nutrition, said: ‘I am so pleased that the Everyone Heath Feel Good Festival has become a popular annual event here in Southend.

“It is great to see so many people taking care of their health and wellbeing and having fun along the way.

“The event is always a great chance for lots of networking in Southend, as we really do have so much to offer locally. Despite some English seaside rain, everyone, including our special guests, enjoyed the day.”

Echo: Great turn out - more than 1,000 health conscious people attendedGreat turn out - more than 1,000 health conscious people attended

Krishna Ramkhelawon, director of public health for Southend and Southend mayor, Kevin Robinson, welcomed visitors to the event.

Everyone Health provides health and wellbeing services to people in the Southend.

For information on the service and upcoming event visit www.southend.everyonehealth.co.uk or call 0333 005 0095 for updates