I see the New Southend United super-stadium will back on to Southend Crematorium.

I have noticed at recent home games this season the club's old Tannoy, which was creaking a bit after 40 years or so of use, has been upgraded with a fantastic, new mega-powerful sound system.

You know the kind - you find them at the Glastonbury festival, or in the back of some young lads' Ford Focuses.

The DJ at the club obviously loves the band Queen - the pop group that is, not the resident of Buck House (though from the decibels being pumped out, I'm sure if she leaned out of her bedroom window she could sing along.) Does it mean in future, when the new stadium opens, the dearly-departed will be despatched behind the curtains to the strains of Another One Bites the Dust?

Perhaps requests could be submitted to the club DJ for other suitable tunes. The Crazy World of Arthur Brown's Fire, perhaps, or Bernard Cribbins singing Hole in the Ground.

On second thoughts, that second one wouldn't be quite the right choice for the crem!

Chris Woods
Hollytree Gardens