I thank Leigh Town Council for yet another well-organised carol service on Strand Wharf.

I don’t live in the council’s catchment area, but my family and I also benefit from council’s other events such as Leigh lights, the Easter festival in Leigh Library Gardens, the farmers’ markets and the fishing festival.

I am sure traders in and around the town also benefit from the influx of people.

In the last few years youngsters have had a new skate park on Two Tree Island, a paddling pool near Bell Wharf and the children’s playground in the library gardens – three more initiatives from Leigh Town Council.

I have also noticed new pedestrian crossings, litter bins, bollards and general environmental improvements in Old Leigh and around town.

Would these have happened without the nonpartisan efforts of the Leigh town councillors on behalf of their town?

Many people may be amazed, as I was, to discover that apart from stewarding their own events to save money, attending innumerable meetings and generally giving unstintingly of their own time and resources, the Leigh Town councillors aren’t paid a penny and rarely charge for any expenses.

I realise my positive comments fly in the face of the grumpy letters page contributors, but I would urge said grumps to get out and join in some of these family-oriented events.

They will have a really great time and thereby also contribute to the financial well-being of Leigh.

Jan Andrews
Danescroft Drive