I have been on record as opposing fishing on Canvey Lake as far back as 1991.

I accept fishing is the country’s most popular participation sport, but for me and many others the pursuit and torment of animals for pleasure is unacceptable.

Because the lake is within my recreation area, I have taken an interest over the years and have not forgotten that Canvey Coarse Fishing Club emerged from a shameful era when a small band of individuals defied the no-fishing bylaw and fished the lake.

Stories were printed about the drunken and unruly behaviour of this group. As the years passed, the bylaw was waived and the fishing club was granted a licence to fish.

It became club policy to control the breeding birds on the lake, resulting in the numbers and variety of waterfowl diminishing.

The club has never gained the status of respectability from those of us who enjoy and respect wildlife.

Although I understand the town council has an obligation to be fair, I do not believe that with Canvey Lake a compromise is possible due to its closeness to houses, its restricted area of deep water and the underlying sense of injustice within the local community.

Either the town council capitulates to the fishing club, or it has the courage to ban fishing on the lake.

Bob Chapman