Can I encourage James Duddridge, MP for Rochford and Southend East, to add to his franchise requirements the desire for more fast trains to Fenchurch Street from and to Southend?

The best pattern time is 53 minutes, although you can get the 5pm or 7pm from Fenchurch Street and be in Southend 45 mins later.

Both those trains usually wait at Benfleet, having arrived early.

The trains are slower than 20 years ago, yet have high performance modern units.

OK, we are on 97 per cent punctuality and 99.6 per cent of the trains run, both much better.

We also need to find a means to get some interim improvements, given that the new franchise will not come in much before 2014 now, particularly as traffic looks set to continue to grow.

Theo Steel
Parkanaur Avenue