In a recent article about the paddling pool on Canvey, the Echo quoted Jeffrey Stanley, Castle Point councillor, as saying the council can only afford the upkeep of one pool. He called this “prudent financial management”.

He should know, as I believe he is an accountant.

However, common sense tells me the prudent thing would be to get rid of the pool with the highest maintenance costs.

The pool Mr Stanley advocates keeping was “cleaned” on May 23-24.

Within days the slime was back and the pool needs cleaning again to keep children safe.

The very construction of the pool, shallow water over a concrete bottom, causes this and the pool will need cleaning again and again over the summer.

Anyone who visits the pool will see the pathway of the pool we want to keep is clear of slime, as is the pool itself, having a sandy bottom.

Mr Stanley does not know this as he did not answer a written request for him to visit the pool.

But he should know how little has been spent on maintenance costs on this pool over the last 25 years.

Perhaps it would be prudent to destroy the old pool, keep the slimey one and advertise Canvey’s Concord beach as a winter attraction.

Perhaps the cafe could hire some electrically-heated deckchairs for parents as they watch their children skating on a slime-free pool.

Colin Letchford
Maurice Road