Back in May 2007, many Canvey inhabitants were objecting to Calor’s application to build two storage tanks on its island site.

These tanks were huge and good old George Whatley, leader of protest campaign, had discovered each would have been as big as the Royal Albert Hall, which besides the danger caused by possible leaks, would have loomed over homes in the Hawkesbury Road and Thorney Bay areas.

Backed by our then MP Bob Spink, this was thrown out, but not long after this, the Echo published a delightful picture of seals basking on a sandbank off Westcliff.

The thing that caught my eye, though, was in the background one could see the Isle of Grain Power Station, with alongside it, two or three of these monstrous tanks under construction beside it.

If my memory serves me correctly, Mr Whatley said that five of these tanks were being built there, so why is that Canvey is the best place to store fuels (July 1)?

Most of the Grain, Sheppey and the Thames estuary townships, would all be blown to smithereens if there were another Buncefield or Flixborough type disaster.

Brian Keeler
Greenwood Avenue