It’s good to see the English flag being reclaimed from the fascist fringe during the football World Cup, but is Chas Cheesman right to say the England team should at least all learn to sing the national anthem? (June 16) What if a player had perfectly respectable republican views, holding that keeping one particular family captive in a gilded cage to produce a hereditary figurehead is something archaically destined to the history books of the 21st century?

Indeed, would it have any effect on patriotic team endeavours whether God had the slightest interest whatsoever in saving our gracious Queen and crushing rebellious Scots or not?

It’s high time to change this cheesy anthem.

John Haran
Broadway West

...There’s a problem with the England team learning to sing the national anthem. England hasn’t really got a national anthem.

God Save the Queen is the anthem for the whole of the UK. Scotland and Wales have their own. You wouldn’t find a Scottish or Welsh team, had they qualified, singing God Save the Queen.

Jerusalem is probably the most popular unofficial national anthem for England. I understand this is the anthem which will be sung at the Commonwealth Games. It has a singable tune and moving words, which actually do refer to England, and “building Jerusalem in England’s green and pleasant land”.

An ideal many of us would wish to follow, football or no football.

Margaret Stoll
Rochefort Drive