With regard to the article on June 15 about the proposed alcohol exclusion zone in Shoebury, it appears a number of areas wish to benefit from such schemes.

A recent letter from councillor Judy McMahon advised she had been pursuing such a scheme in the York Road to Southchurch Hall vicinity.

Residents, housing groups as well as organisations including Turning Tides, support such a plan.

The council now needs to enable residents, the police and other interested groups to make this a reality.

Neighbourhoods need to be protected from ongoing antisocial behaviour, rubbish and graffiti.

Alcohol exclusion zones could be one of a number of measures to rebuild and reengage community pride.

Councillor Burdett has apparently started a petition regarding dog fouling.

I wonder what she hopes to achieve?

Petitions will not achieve anything unless the perpetrators are made aware they are in breach of regulations.

Better signage and enforcement of regulations is what is needed.

Clear information regarding what communities find acceptable needs to be available in a variety of ways. A visible response to the needs of the community and swift direct action are a necessity.

Anne Jones
Hastings Road