POLICE in Basildon reportedly caught more than 70 drivers breaking the speed limit while out on patrol.

Essex Police’s Speed Enforcement Officers were monitoring speeding drivers in Basildon on February 5.

This followed complaints made to school crossing patrol operatives about excessive speeds in London Road.  

In particular, Vange Primary School operatives reported concerns about speeding vehicles and vehicles parked inconsiderately near the school zebra crossing.

Dangerous driving and parking across driveways would be dangerous to the young pedestrian pupils.

In the first hour, 20 motorists exceeding the 30mph limit were stopped and the highest recorded speed was 45mph in the vicinity of the school.

Once the pupils had finished arriving, Speed Enforcement Officers focused their attention on Broadmayne and Southmayne.

A further 56 drivers were captured on camera and at the two locations, the highest recorded speed was 67mph in a 50mph.

The Speed Enforcement Officers encourage and educate drivers to make better driving decisions while tackling road-related crime and providing reassurance to the public.

In addition, they enforce traffic laws and carry out their own investigations concerning poor and dangerous driving to bring offenders before the courts.